Fatass Duty : Crack Ops 5 Limited Edtion Collectors Prestige Gold Premotion Most Expensive Rich Kid's Version

Todoy, Me tells ya of fatass duty a game that didnt only fap on my eye but sucked gay ass crack duty hole and that aint even shaving the surface of the ball hair bucko. It allllllllll started lasterlastlastday when a fat donkeey came over and dilvered ma new brand spanking hairy balled new smelly fukcing gay new friciking game off ebay pease subscribe to utube poop. But anyway back to ma god damn story one day i was on my fam no form no fart ha no farmm oops no farm. Anyway Anyway iwas on my farm and honey and shit so i got my new game from uspiss and where rody to play new game in ps5 though update was new never new cause i stoopid as asian writtle boi.So fatass you want to hear the real gay ass story for once? Well too fuckin bad you asshole lick ass ass ass shit ass fuck ass shit thing. Nevermind what I said earlier (Twist Ending!) So one day I got a new game. This game may or may not give you a orgasm so be careful and use protection, but anyway enough bullshit so I loaded up this so called Fatass Duty Op Crack Shit Sizzle and upon starting I was instantly blown away at the sight of pure shit graphics and trite that this Fatass Duty Op Crack Sizzle had to offer. But that's not even groping that crooked cucumber doe. What happened next was beyond my taco It was like no shit I ever seen in ma entire life the game started and... Wait for it, The game (You ready?). The game (You sure your ready?) The game started and at the bottom of the screen it said and I quote no bullshit,homo or lies involved
"Press Start to Start Game"
This was outraging! Did it really shit on my snazzy tomato you fuck hole ass?
"Fatass Duty : Shit Sizzle Mexican Nightmare 2" (In other words fuck off!)
I never played Fatass Duty Sizzler Shit Sizzle Butt Crack Smoke ever again and I don't ever think twice about it.
The End